Brooke Buckland started work on the Heroes of Groote Schuur project in 2018. The social media campaign was intended to raise awareness about the incredible work done across this Cape Town institution. Of course, in our wildest dreams we would never have predicted the Covid pandemic, which has highlighted the incredibly important role of healthcare workers and hospitals and caused a huge surge of interest in news from inside healthcare facilities.
The Heroes project has provided an incredible source of unique information during this time, and has gathered thousands of followers as we feature staff members' thoughts. From plumbers to psychologists, security guards to high-care nurses, we've been able to share unmissable and unique snippets of insight during a global pandemic. The weekly 'Heroes' posts are consistently picked up by media across the country, and we've been able to draw attention to the many stories of everyday heroism from within the hospital.
Two recent television interviews featured two of our heroes, Sister Phillips and transplant co-ordinator Luke Steenkamp.